Friday, August 19, 2011


Today we went and returned one laptop and got another. Aiden went to stay the night at Aunt Sarah's house. While we were leaving Walmart we ran into Mark the guy who lives with dad. We talked for awhile untill the kids had had enough of sitting in the van. I did call dad and wished him a happy late birthday and invited him over mon for dinner. Then we went to Delphos and had Arby's before dropping off Aiden. The rest the day was pretty boring only thing I did was make a bunch of samples to get ready for next month and got the last of the catalogs from season this ready to be passed out. Elijah went to bed at 9 and only got out once tonight so far

Saturday, March 12, 2011

My Running log

Thought I would start a running log to track my runs.
3/11 did week 3 of couch to 5k I did 1mile in 15:20. Thats 2 minutes faster than last week. Week 3 you run for 90 sec walk for 90 then run for 3min walk for 3min You do that twice.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Well I have started to pack up boxes. So far I have 3 packed. One coats and boots, one box of clothes to grow into, and one of shoes. I didn't know we had that many shoes. I may have found a house in Shawnee. Looks like a nice house only thing is it has a pool. Im not sure about having a pool. We will see. That is about it for now.

Monday, February 28, 2011

screw you im going home

For the first time in 13 years I want to say Fuck You Army. They have finally screwed us, and wasn't even nice enough to give him a reach around.. Few months ago DH emailed him branch manager to see about moving back to Campbell this summer. He thought it was time to get back to the "real" Army since we have been in DC for 4 years now. That was before the holidays. Ok so a month or so ago he emailed back saying there was a spot open for him in July, great thats what we want. So I started looking at houses since we were going to buy. I wasn't looking real hard since we have no orders in hand. We all know how things can change. Also I just had a feeling that out west was calling our name, because we have not been out west yet. I told him over and over the Army is going to bend you over screw you and send us to TX or AZ. Well they did and screwed us HARD and we didn't see it coming

i came home yesterday and was sitting on the couch and DH came and sat beside me with his laptop. Ok what stupid shit is he going to show me on Youtube. No he starts pulling up AKO. So im like ok out west here we come. Im ready for ya. He pulls up his stuff and it says FT Campbell ok great we got what we want. He doesn't look happy so im thinking they are sending him to a brigade he doesn't want. He says "this isn't Campbell" and highlights some thing.

No its not, its fucking KUWAIT, and Campbell is our HAAP. So he is PCSing to Kuwait this summer and we may go to Campbell afterwards. Im so pissed, I feel homeless since we dont really know where we going after that. I know we aren't homeless i know we can stay in DC while he is gone,but there is nothing here for me. No support really, since there is no FRG or anything. So me and the boys are heading home to Ohio, to our little hometown. We have found a house we want to see but its a 3 bedroom so the boys will have to share a room. But its across town from my mom.

Sorry if i rambled my head is full of crap. We so didn't see this coming at all. I was exspecting to go to Campbell and have him deploy. I know I need to look on the brightside. Thats more money we have to use as a down payment when(if) we move to Campbell. To bad we can't keep the DC

Friday, February 25, 2011

2/25 workout

I feel great today. Went to the gym this morning. I started with some lower body, then went and did a little workout that me and my trainer did a few weeks ago. It works your whole body. I then got on the treadmill to do my week 2 of couch to 5k.
I did a mile in 17:30 that's good for me. I even ran at a 5.0 for a minute and a half. That is a big step for me since I started this summer at like a 3.8 jog. I'm down 31 pounds today. I would like to lose another 15-20 by June. I know I can do it if I keep up the gym and REALLY start watching what i eat.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

About 30 pounds

Went to my weekly session with my trainer on Mon. We did my monthly measurements. I have lost 16.5 inches and 4 pounds the last month. Makes the driving and time spent in the gym worth it. The poor house is suffering from I used almond milk for the first time today, wasn't to bad.